Water Refilling Station

35 West Capitol Drive Kapitolyo CITY OF PASIG NCR
02 633 2887
02 687 2143

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Aquasafe Kapitolyo Purified Drinking Water, we have been in Business since 1997.

We provide purified drinking water to residents and businesses.

We also provide Alkaline Drinking Water.

We also welcome water stations that need water supply while their machine is being repaired or service at wholesale prices.

We continue to upgrade. We use 8 Membranes and two machines to make sure you do not run out of pure & safe water to drink, while others only use 1 membrane per machine.

We assure you of the purest & safest purified drinking water among water refilling stations.

For Safety and Assurance your Drinking Water stays Pure and Safe we recommend servicing your water dispensers. We can sterilize and service your Hot and Cold Dispensers, Table Top Dispenser and even lend you a service dispenser for a minimal cost. We can also repair your Hot & Cold Dispensers as a service, even if not purchased from us or refer you.