, the no. 1 online recruitment network in the Asia-Pacific, links employers and candidates together via online job posting which averages 50,000 a day in 12 countries, accessible 24/7 via the Internet. This economical state-of-the-art hiring method in the digital age reduces costs, speeds up the process, and increases the chances of a proper job match. The Philippine branch alone, JobsDB Phils, Inc. (, boasts a posting of 3,000 jobs a day.
JobsDB supports the online component with an offline service that performs Executive Search for clients looking for top-caliber candidates for senior management positions. Its placement service also screens numerous candidates simultaneously to match the client's specific requirements for certain positions. was first established in Hong Kong in 1999 and since then has spread to the following countries: Australia,
China (three offices), India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, and the USA.
Though regional in scope, JobsDB believes in and respects the cultural uniqueness of each member country. Its extensive network is backed by localized content that addresses the employment and career concerns of the surrounding community.