BLESSER Psychological Wellness and Manpower Services is a company recognized by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).
Our Psychological Wellness Services include psychological testing, counseling, professional and spiritual development programs.
As Manpower Service Provider, we handle Human Resource processes and programs into the daily operations of an organization.
We have the workforce constituting of experts and licensed individuals on different field of endeavors.
Our pledge is to ensure that we serve our clientele with competence and strictly adhere to ethical standards of our profession.
We are an outsourcing company or an external service provider that could employ or contract workers to provide the workspace. Likewise, other human resource services such as: taking charge of workers’ payroll and benefits and evaluating of employees who are candidate for promotion.
• Psychological Testing
We use standardized test materials as means of appraising individuals’
personality, intelligence and abilities for placement and counseling purposes.
• Counseling
We serve individuals of all ages and socio-cultural backgrounds addressing their issues, concerns and problems in any areas of their development
• Professional and Spiritual Development Programs
We provide spiritual enhancement program in a form of retreats or recollections; likewise, lectures, trainings and workshops on topics relevant to the needs of an organization.