Swift Foods, Inc. (SFI) was incorporated on June 6, 1994 to assume RFM Corporation's business of manufacturing, marketing and distributing processed and canned meat products, poultry products, and commercial feeds. SFI was earlier primarily organized into two business divisions, namely, agribusiness (poultry and feeds) and meat (meat processing and sales & distribution) divisions. In 2002, the Board of SFI decided to transfer the marketing, selling and distribution activities of the meat division to RFM Corporation to join the latter's branded food group business. SFI's agribusiness division produces and sells poultry products, namely, live and dressed/processed chicken. Majority of the company's products are sold to its distributors, which sell mainly to downline accounts or wet markets. The rest are sold to both key and secondary accounts groups representing mainly the supermarkets, groceries, hotels, and restaurants, including the food service/fast food segment. SFI also produces feeds for the internal requirements of its poultry business. The company uses feeds in its farms and supplies feeds to its contact growers nationwide. The company undertook an extensive expansion program in 1987 in response to increased market demand. Integrated branches were established across the country. As of end-2008, SFI had 10 integrated branches nationwide engaged in hatching, growing, dressing and distribution operations, which supply poultry to customers within its geographic area. Source: SEC Form 17-A (2008)