ALFRA STEEL INDUSTRIAL INCORPORATED, was born in the construction industry since 1978, as a tube manufacturing company that specializes in B.I. Round Tube and B.I. Square Tubes. The year 1980 marks the unveiling of the new products of the company, namely: NIKON EMT (Electric Metallic Tubing) and NICHI RSC (Rigid Steel Conduit).
With its vast experience in manufacturing steel conduit pipes for the construction needs, the company became known for its QUALITY and RELIABILITY products that it offers. NIKON EMT and NICHI RSC is the most sought conduit pipe in the market today for its promising product that brings your 24 hours of protection against short circuit fire.
In line with the company’s thrust to expand and manufacture quality products, ANTARES METAL SERVICE COMPANY was founded in 1994, promising to bring you quality products for the plumbing industry. The main product of ANTARES is the STAR Nipple and the ASTM 40 FRANCE G.I. Coupling.
After more than 25 years, ALFRA STEEL is now considered as a major contributor in the construction industry and still continues its commitment to bring safety to every infrastructure created. Because your safety is what we are famous for.