Leader in its chosen field. SEKA1, a newly built company, designed to introduce beyond imagination innovations in various industries. A company that exemplifies the integrity and excellence of its people. A new company that emerge to lead most industries to the untapped sources of technological development.
SEKA1 INDUSTRIAL SERVICES CORPORATION is a duly registered corporation with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) with certificate no. CS201503109. Its primary purpose is to engage in industrial services such as repair, maintenance and fabrication of various machineries and equipments.
A company developed and personally led by Roger A. Se-it, with his more than 20 years of technical service to Century Tuna Canning Corporation -Philippines, out of the country studies and trainings and management of various industrial projects in and outside the Philippines.
SEKA1 has two words that will serve as a guide in all its endeavours, Excellence & Integrity, these two words will be the gauge, the guide, the measure in all its dealings, projects and undertakings.