Global Art transforms the way children learn art through its award-winning and internationally recognized program. Traditional art classes are teacher-oriented, non-progressive, and the skills rarely remain as your child grows. Global Art not only has its own progressive system, but it also enriches the creative minds of your children. We not only improve their skills in art, but we teach them a way of thinking that can only be described as creativity. Art is normally seen as a hobby or just a means to pass the time, but we in Global Art invite you to see the difference we can make in the life of your child.
Globalart Creative Learning Methodology was established 10 years ago (1999) with the objective to enhance children's learning disciplines so they will become more creative in their everyday lives.
Through the variety of our programmes, learners learn, grow and develop in a creative and conducive learning environment. The syllabus is designed for learners to experience education in a holistic manner.
The creative programmes are implemented around the world using the same source of teaching and learning concepts.