>Main Slogan: â€Life is Great!!!†or “Tik-tak Lagu ing Bie!!!â€
>Seven Seasons is a Strategic Food Business that introduces Fried Chicken with the touch of Kapampangan’s Love of Food, Family and Positive-Happy Driven Life
>Seven Seasons also have seven advocacies in Life & roadmapping that someday the world in synergy with
1. Positivity 2. Smiles 3. Love & Learn 4. Drive Safety & Peace to Everyone 5. Growth: Hope & Faith 6. Earth Care 7. Eff & Pro-Activity
>The seven seasons is adopted from the phases of globally recognized principles in excellence in management systems, in wisdom build-up in philosophy, sciences & faith but in systemic way, so life can be treated the same for its continual improvement towards essentially optimized way of life & the roadmap of true happiness of every livers-lovers of Life & children of the world!
>Kapampangan Love Chicken