Technological advancement in the field of medicine plays an important role in sustaining a constantly developing society. It is for the reason that health is among the primary necessities of man, to prolong his existence, maintain a condition to which he can be productive socially, and therefore make the best of what he can be.
Santa Elena Diagnostic Center dedicates itself to this need by providing quality medical services such as the following
a. medical and drug testing laboratories
-complete facilities for examining blood chemistries, hematology, serology, clinical microscopy, bacteriology and immunology. Drug assays such as methamphetamines(shabu) and cannabinoids(marijuana are also available
b. x-ray examinations
- routine examinations like chest xray, and skull and up to the special examinations like barium enema, the ivp and the likes can be performed.
c. ultrasound examinations
with the availability of ultrasound machine, the physician can easily diagnose a patient with symptoms such as pain swelling or infection