We beautify the world of your customers.
Women in general loves thier fashionble shoes, bags, belt and accessories.Kerica they finished with Swarovski crystal stones to a real offs immediately after your purchase directly from the kerica-site partners.
Through worldwide advertising demand increases-and more license partners from it and open kerica stations.
Indiviual brilliance and Glam yourself for cheapest models.
Kerica has developed a method, which are unique from simple shoes and accessories into a fashionable design pieces-for example, really elegant, expensive and classy looking dancing shoes.
The customers bring thier shoes,handbags and accessories at kerica station and looking on an account of their design templates design pattern. Within a few minutes, The Swarovski crystal stones are mounted. and after three hours of drying, the customers can now take her sparkling accessory regain possession.
Kerica:rising demand and growing network
The licensing system was established only in 2014 but the numbers of kerica stations are growing rapidly.In every city ladies would like ti refine their purchases. In addtion to licenses for station natiowide and master licenses can be purchased. Kerica originally sits in Germany want to expand United States and Asia market including Hongkong.
Request for information now!
The main advantage for kerica licensees:
Customers come to you - not vice versa.
the demand is huge by national advertising.
Kerica station can be operated at home or at in the office-without additonal rent and costs.
Despite favorable prices high margins.