General Company Information
• 288 P. Burgos St., Barangay Tanqui, San Fernando City, La Union 2500, Philippines
• CP#+639471658474
• Landline (072) 607-3863
Company Details
• Registered with the Department of Trade and Industry on October 29, 2012
• Certified with the Philippine Bureau of Product Standards in the manufacture of fire extinguishers
• Accredited with the Bureau of Customs as Importer
• Distributor, Wholesaler
• Imports: Fire extinguisher cylinders, dry powder chemical
PHIL-ASIA SALES AND SERVICES is initially conceptualized to cater to the needs of consumers and fire extinguisher manufacturers and re-fillers in Northern Philippines, for accessible raw materials as a result of the company’s direct importation. Our vision will eventually create a powerful force in bringing together several unique but similar services and goods under one umbrella, through its importation of goods. The company is situated in San Fernando City, La Union, with its foresight focused in the industrialization of the region and its relation to the global market.
PHIL-ASIA SALES AND SERVICES has its own fire extinguisher manufacturing and re-filling department with the brand name of FYRGARD. With the company’s importation of raw materials, the quality of the products are not affected by its price in the market, hence, a better quality is being produced, if not the best in the industry.
Our Four-Part Philosophy
Regardless of the size or scope of the project PHIL-ASIA SALES AND SERVICES believes everything we will do must be characterized by excellence. We will strive for and deliver Best in Class products and service every time.
We believe that the truth sets us free. Every PHIL-ASIA SALES AND SERVICES employee will be trained in the concept that honesty is expected and rewarded, always. In our dealings with our clients, and would-be employees, we are 100% honest 100% of the time.
Embarking on any type of project can cause anxiety and other unpleasant emotions. Whether it be sales or service, our staff will be trained to treat each client with compassion and understanding. We will have an uncanny ability to turn seemingly bad situations into silver linings to bring new hope and happier days forward.
We believe that communication is the key for a smooth project. With that in mind, we will be investing some time to show the value we place on communication, whether it be within among employees or in dealings with clients.
Low Price High Quality…TRUST US WITH YOUR NEEDS…