Samera Builder also specializes in
Sanding and
Resanding of wood flooring.
Sanding of any kind of flooring Narra planks, mahogany and Tanguile wood.
supply and installation of wood flooring
Sanding services and application of topcoat using bonakemi matte/silkmatte or hudson polyurethane or Addresearch polyurethane with catalyst.
- Walk-in Closet
- Book Shelves
- Kitchen Cabinet
- Rest room Cabinet
- Office Cabinet
- Doors
- Wood Flooring
- Wood Works
- Sanding / Re-sanding Services
- Painting works
- varnishing works
- Carpentry works
- Stainless works
Supplier of :
- Solid Wood Planks -
-KD Narra
-KD Tanguile
-KD Mahogany
-SD Yakal
- stair steps
- Landing
- Ballusters
- handrail
- King post
for more concern feel free to contact us at Email add:
[email protected]
Telefax (02) 234-5657 / Cel Globe 09277861817 / Sun 09323659547 :)
Godbless :)