AQUARIAN POWER GENERATION AND REPAIR SERVICES (APGARS) is a duly registered company in our country, which imports, distributes, and services engines, generating sets, and their equipment and parts. Established in January 2012, the company caters almost all field in the industry that are using machineries specially in the mining, marine, construction, manufacturing, commercial center, power generation and automotive industries.
APGARS presently operates at no. 56-B Luna St., Bangkulasi, Navotas City and for Brandnew units at McAthur Highway, Karuhatan, Valenzuela City. APGARS has complete tools and equipment in conducting engine overhauling and repair services particular in field services. Our service shop provides customers the necessary technical support and after-sales service that they require. An adequate inventory of parts and filters is also stored in these areas to serve customers maintenance and repair requirements.
The company’s service expertise is on Cummins, Caterpillar and Volvo Penta brand of engines. APGARS is composed of experience hard working men and women selling and servicing Cummins products for more than 15 years and Volvo Penta for almost 10 years. Most of them came from previous employer / company who become the Philippines Cummins exclusive distributor for more than 10 years and Volvo Penta dealer for almost 10 years. Currently, the company is selling brandnew diesel generating sets both in Marine and Industrial application as well as Marine Propulsion System most of them is powered by a reliable Cummins Diesel Engine which came from Cummins OEM factory having a joint venture with original Cummins Company in the Columbus, Indiana, U.S.A. In this manner, our customers will be assured of quality products and expert professional support.