It was in 1933 that Dr. Luis U. Santos, started at his residence, an eye clinic and a hospital under the name of SANTOS CLINIC), a single proprietorship. In July 1975, Dr. Sabino S. Santos, son of Dr. Luis U. Santos, an ophthalmologist, decided to transformed single proprietorship to became a corporation under the business name, SANTOS CLINIC(MALOLOS) INC.,and transferred its offices at McArthur Highway, Malolos City . It is about 200 meters away from Malolos Crossing.
In January 2003, Santos Clinic (Malolos) Inc., under the supervision of Dr. Sabino A. Santos, Jr. and Dr. Jose Gabriel A., son of Dr. Sabino S. Santos, decided to put up a new building and was registered as an AMBULATORY SURGICAL CLINIC.