An entity under the umbrella of SSI Group of Companies, the company is in the business of providing alternative storage solutions.Established in 2005 as Storage Solutions Inc. Just recently, the trade name was changed to SSI Storage Solutions Inc. to supplement it’s growth and development.Our clients include health institution pharmaceuticals, food, cosmetics and construction
SSI aims to tailor a comprehensive management program from 1 CORE WORK:
1.Physical Records Management
Quality Service being offered by SSI Storage Solutions Inc. Management and Services:
1. 24 hour delivery service (including holidays)
2. User Friendly Job Order Request Forms
3. Efficient Delivery and Pickup Personnel
4. Barcode reading equipment and scanners.
5. SSI Warehouse Management Systems (SWMS) - Computerized Database system for faster and efficient retrieval of records
6. Computerized Database to provide clients with- Audit reports; Barcode Reference report; Box Inventories and Box Activity Reports
7. Dedicated office-based Customer Service Staff to attend to all phone inquiries
8. Easy and open communications to your account executives and customer service staff via: Mobile cellular phones; individual email addresses for each SSI staff
9. Competent and skilled Staff
10. Provides document life cycle management and destruction options
11. Random Shelving