Services Provided:
*Ambulance Standby For Events (Concert, Fun Run, Team Building, Sport Fest, Commercials, Product Launching)
*Patient Conduction/Transfer From Hospital to your Home and Vice Versa as well as Hospital to Hospital Transfer
*Ambulance Service for Dialysis Patient, Chemo patient and Rad Thep patient
*Equipment Inside the Ambulance
Philips Heartstart Automatic External Defibrillator
4 parameter Patient Monitor
Oxygen tank(Main and portable)
Spineboard with Head immobilzer and Spiderstrap
Scoop Stretcher
OB Kit
Burn kit
Airway kit (BVM, Oropharyngeal, Nasopharyngeal, Suction Tip)
Manual and Digital BP app
Digital Thermometer
Manual and Motorized Suction Machine
and many more