DYNATRONICS ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY SERVICES, who had interest in Design, Construction, Fabrication, Manufacturing, Preventive Management and Services of Air-Conditioning System, Cascaded Refrigeration System, Extreme Very Low Temperature Equipment, Oil Chiller Units, Heating & Ventilation, Cold Storage among others, would like to be a part of your credible and dependable suppliers.
Setting modesty aside, we already have client all across industries, from semiconductors companies to food and beverage, from heavy industries such as automotive to pharmaceutical corporations. Thus we are eager to be of service to you the soonest, as we firmly believe that your organization would bring forth prestige to our company, if you allow us to showcase our abilities.
We are available for an appointment in discussing our company at your utmost convenient time and we would have a hand carried company profile for your reference and perusal. You can call us at our Laguna Line Tel. 049-3032937, Smart 0908-3028006, Globe 0927-5316576 and our fax at 049-5344152 also you can email us at
[email protected]
Were looking forward for your positive response to our proposal.