Cargo/Freight Forwarding

none 05 Kiwanis St., Pacita 1 San Pedro Laguna

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Good Day.

We are offering trucking/hauling services from Metro Manila to any point in Luzon. Our rates are as follows:

Special Trip From Manila to Manila (> 14 tons) - P3000.00 (VAT included)
Trip Rates from Manila to Manila (14-24 tons) - P200.00/ton (VAT included)
Special Trip from Manila to any point in Metro Manila (>14 tons) - P4000.00 (VAT included)
Trip Rates from Manila to any point in Metro Manila (14-24 tons) - P280.00/ton (VAT included)
Special Trip From Manila to Bulacan/Cavite (>14 tons) - P6000.00 (VAT included)

You could contact me at 0917-501-3375 for more information about the prices. My email address is [email protected]. Our services is not exclusive to what is listed above. Prices rates for other locations may be negotiated.

-Von Cruz-