manpower services, recruitment

3009 Mercedes Street Gen. T. De Leon Valenzuela City Metro Manila

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Manpower services-skilled, technical and professionals, for private and public companies, including household. We provide manpower services for day cleaning, personal assistance, shopping, secretarial, temp for all kinds.

Aside from direct hire processing, we also provide full agency service where we arrange interview between the employer and the applicant. Once you’ve already decided who among them you’d like to hire, what we will do next is take care of all the necessary processing that will bring the domestic helper of your choice to you.

We make sure that everything is done smoothly and proficiently for everyone's satisfaction. We are a REGISTERED COMPANY.

We are managed and owned by an expat from the UK who has 20 years of experience in HR, recruitment, outsourcing, supervision of staff, and the porcess of hiring and firing, including WESTERN-trained staff who made sure you will be serviced SMOOTHLY AND EFFICIENTLY and FAST. The service that we provide is not only exceedingly satisfactory it is designed as well for your convenience.
The owner, a single mum, had experienced the hassles of finding the right and LEGITIMATE domestic worker here in the philippines, and now has found the solution to help others in the same boat as hers.
We provide you not just EFFICIENCY in the WESTERN way, but also,all our pool of skilled workers are trained and went through a rigid process of interviews, trade, actual and psychological tests administered by our consultants experts on their fields.

We manage all their salaries, benefits and compensations, including quarterly evaluations, and Philippine government remittances. You do nothing of HR work as we handle and supervised all contractual employees deployed to your company/household.