Established in June 25, 1993, SMZ-HENAR ENTERPRISES to date, continuously served nearly 2,500 companies and business establishments in Laguna, Cavite, Southern Metro Manila area and has kept its stand in the growing competition in printing services
Close relationship with our partners and customers provide a constant source of creativity to keep us in the forefront of the designs market.
Our mission is to continuously provide a warm and friendly access to a wide range of Quality Prinitng services and deliver these services promptly and at an above-satisfactory mark, priced on a competitive amount suitable to our customers.
TO MAKE OUR PRINTING SERVICES synonymous with service excellence and affordability.
We print different kind of receipts, magazines, yearbooks, letterheads, tarpaulins, forms, letterheads, In addition to, With our creative team in desktop publishing, we also offer personalized item such as mugs, tumblers, tshirts, notepads, mousepads, fans, keychains, stickers, plates, wall clocks and a whole lot more