
  • Business Type: Sari Sari Store
  • Phone Number: 941-9951

  • URL:

Company Profile

INDAY SARI SARI STORE is a well-established and beloved sari-sari store located on Tangerine Street in Marikina, Metro Manila. With over 10 years of experience in the business, we have built a reputation for providing top-quality products and excellent customer service to our loyal clientele. Our store offers a wide range of everyday essentials such as snacks, beverages, toiletries, and household items, as well as local delicacies and homemade treats. At INDAY SARI SARI STORE, we take pride in sourcing only the freshest and highest quality products for our customers. Our experienced and friendly staff are always on hand to assist customers with their shopping needs and provide personalized recommendations. We strive to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere in our store, where customers feel like part of the family. Whether you are in need of a quick snack, a refreshing beverage, or a last-minute household item, INDAY SARI SARI STORE has everything you need to make your shopping experience convenient and enjoyable.